Blog Tour Book Reviews for ‘She Lies Hidden’

“This is a scintillating novel, and one you must give your full attention. At first, there seems to be various disconnected threads but, believe me, when they are all stitched together your jaw will drop. I’m astonished that this is a debut novel! This reads like the work of a much more experienced author; the story itself is so skilfully crafted and beautifully written. The suspense is palpable and the overall effect is an astounding read which keeps your attention to the very last. I’ll definitely be watching out for the author’s next novel! Without a doubt, worthy of a full five shiny, sparkling stars! *

“I enjoyed the different view points used to tell the story and how it went from past to the present to give the background more detail – an impressive debut – 4 stars from me and can’t wait to see what she releases next! “

“Well done to the author on her debut novel. What a great start. I can’t wait to read more from this author in the future. 

This story is told through the past and the present and through several different points of view. 

I found this pretty hard to get into but once I read more I didn’t want to put it down, I needed to read more to find out what was gonna happen”

“The writing in this book was top-notch, in my opinion. This book had so many seemingly unrelated characters and storylines going on that the author weaves together seamlessly as the story goes on. I loved that. The story was complex enough to keep my interest, but not so complex that I got lost.

There were several perspectives that the story is told from, which gives the reader the advantage of seeing all sides of the characters and story.

I liked Thomasine and hope to see more of her and Mel Phillips in the future. The author doesn’t say whether this will turn into a series, but I liked both main policewomen and hope that they reappear in the future.”

“…Then there is the atmosphere. I loved the depiction of the moors, that feeling of isolation and hidden secrets waiting to be revealed. The way the landscape became a character in the book was very clever. It felt spooky and eerily created a tension that the characters became enveloped in. Then we switched from that to the hustle and bustle of the police investigation unit, where people are rushing around, desperately trying to solve the death of a girl, whose disappearance has long haunted her sister. It’s a fabulous juxtaposition between two settlings that gave the story a feeling of being unbalanced, in a good way, the contrast leaving me the reader, slightly out of step and unnerved.”